Arnold - 1/160 ETR 610 CIS SBB 4 UNITS SET DCC SOUND (1/24) *

All aboard for the ultimate railroad escapade! Imagine a world where precision meets elegance, thanks to Arnold models. From the heart of renowned collections, experience the intricate craftsmanship synonymous with the brand. Whether you're a fan of Daniel Arnold or a Bruce Arnold models aficionado, this exquisite piece promises to elevate your train set collection. Dive into the Arnold train models universe – where details matter, and every carriage tells a story. Forget what Arnold Schwarzenegger says is best in life; our miniature marvels will transport you to model railway bliss. Explore Arnold modelspoor now at Arnold commons stores!
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Ever dreamt of orchestrating your own railway symphony? This delightful N scale train set brings the majestic SBB's ETR 610 to life with impeccable detail and realistic DCC sound, making every journey an auditory and visual treat. Combine it with your existing Track Systems for a seamless, realistic railway experience.

Whether you're setting the scene for a bustling station or a serene countryside journey, this set's precision and sound quality will transport you from your living room straight to the Swiss alps. Elevate your model railway adventures with this dynamic and immersive addition.

More Information
Manufacturer Arnold
EAN 5055286664472
Weight 1 g
Scale N-1:160
Category Railroad Track Systems
Type of Product Train Coaches & Wagons

All aboard for an unforgettable journey through miniature railroads! Modelomondo is the go-to webshop for all your hobby needs, and you can easily order your Arnold Models masterpiece online here! When you shop at Modelomondo, you can rest easy knowing your purchase is completely secure. As a Trusted Shops certified site, we prioritize your safety and satisfaction. Plus, with a generous 30-day return policy, you have the peace of mind to change your mind if needed. Don't miss out on enhancing your collection with the finest models—start your adventure with Modelomondo today!

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