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Step into the enchanting world of miniature railroads with the charm of Faller's exquisite building set! Perfect for railway enthusiasts, this 1/160 scale model brings a slice of the Black Forest to your layout, blending seamlessly into any Railroad Scenery. Whether you're a fan of the Faller Car System or a connoisseur of fallers pretzels, this meticulously crafted model promises to elevate your setup. Faller's legendary quality, akin to fallers furniture and faleris craftsmanship, ensures every detail is a delight to behold. Add a touch of whimsy to your collection and let your imagination wander through picturesque landscapes!
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Bring your railroad scenery to life with an idyllic Black Forest farmhouse, the perfect centerpiece for your model village. Combine it seamlessly with other N-1:160 scale buildings for a cohesive and charming vignette while revelling in the detailed craftsmanship. Enhance your model train set-up with this captivating addition that promises endless storytelling possibilities.

Whether you're staging a quaint country scene or expanding your railway layout, this Black Forest farmhouse is the touch of authenticity your model needs. Its timeless design captures the essence of rural simplicity, adding depth and interest to your miniature world.

More Information
Manufacturer Faller
EAN 4104090322588
Weight 445 g
SKU FA232258
Scale N-1:160
Category Railroad Scenery
Type of Product Buildings
Subtype Farm & barnyard
Dimensions 148x153x90

Imagine owning a piece of the enchanting Black Forest – right in the heart of your model railway setup! Modelomondo is the ultimate hub for a diverse range of hobby products. So, secure your masterpiece from Faller with just a few clicks at Modelomondo! With Trusted Shops certification and a 30-day return policy, ordering is not only convenient but also worry-free. Truly, it’s never been easier or safer to bring home a touch of magic to enhance your mini world. Don't miss out on this captivating addition to your collection!

We will only ship your order once ALL items are in stock. Check the delivery time indication on the product page. Orders are processed on Monday to Friday until 10 p.m. The shipping costs are lower for orders from 20 euros and free for orders from 300 euros


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Faller - 1/160 ZWARTE WOUD BOERDERIJ - Farm & Barnyard - The Town & the village - N (1:160) - Model Railroad Scenery
