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Step into the grand era of Charles XII with an exquisite figure model from one of the most reputable brands out there! Unleash your creativity and attention to detail with this superb 1:72 scale masterpiece. Known for their precision and historical accuracy, Zvezda brings you a thrilling experience reminiscent of a mini version of epic battles. Whether you’ve encountered the brand through Zvezda Tarkov, Zvezda M50, or other collections, this kit promises to captivate both the novice and veteran model builder alike. Dive into the fascinating world of Zvezda models and let history unfold at your fingertips!
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Unlock the thrill of history by incorporating these Swedish Dragoons into your model-building collection.

Add them to your dioramas or battle scenes for an authentic touch of the 18th century. Each finely detailed figure captures the essence of Charles XII's elite cavalry, bringing bravery and strategy into your hands. Perfect for both beginners and seasoned model builders, these dragoons enhance any set with their dynamic poses and historical accuracy. The 1:72 scale makes them compatible with other figures, creating immersive and realistic scenarios. Dive into the past and let your creativity soar with each assembly!

More Information
Manufacturer Zvezda
EAN 4600327080578
Weight 1 g
Scale 1:72
Category Modelbuilding Kits
Type of Product Figures
Subtype Figures
Dimensions 258x162x38

Unleash your inner history buff with this masterfully crafted set of miniature Swedish Dragoons, replicating the formidable forces of Charles XII! Modelomondo is your gateway to an extensive world of hobby products. So, why wait? Secure your Zvezda masterpiece effortlessly online at Modelomondo! Enjoy peace of mind with our Trusted Shops certification and a generous 30-day return policy. Dive into the past and let these intricately detailed soldiers bring your tabletop battles to life. Ready, set, order now!

We will only ship your order once ALL items are in stock. Check the delivery time indication on the product page. Orders are processed on Monday to Friday until 10 p.m. The shipping costs are lower for orders from 20 euros and free for orders from 300 euros


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Zvezda - 1/72 SWEDISH DRAGOONS OF CHARLES XII (4/24) * - scale 1:72 - Model Kits by scale - Model Building Kits
