Rivarossi - 1/87 FS 3-P DZ 83000 LUGGAGE VAN + AZ 13010 IIIB (6/24) *

Transform your railroad track systems with the unparalleled charm and precision of Rivarossi's HO-1:87 scale models. Imagine your miniature world coming alive with the delightful addition of this intricately detailed train coach and wagon set. Known for their exquisite craftsmanship, Rivarossi trains, including the famed Big Boy and Heisler, set the gold standard in model railroading. Whether you're a seasoned collector of Rivarossi parts or an enthusiast of Rivarossi passenger cars and cab forwards, this piece is sure to elevate your collection. Rediscover the allure of Rivarossi HO trains and embrace the next level of authenticity with this captivating set!
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Enhance your railway model layout by coupling this exquisite 1/87 scale FS 3-P DZ 83000 Luggage Van + AZ 13010 IIIB coach set with your existing train collection.

Experience seamless integration and elevate the realism of your H0 layout as these beautifully detailed coaches bring an authentic touch to your miniature world, ensuring your railway can handle both passenger and luggage transport with ease. Perfect for both seasoned collectors and newcomers, the superior craftsmanship and historical accuracy will captivate and engage enthusiasts of all ages, turning your tracks into a bustling, vivid scene directly from the golden era of rail travel.

More Information
Manufacturer Rivarossi
EAN 5063129018351
Weight 1 g
Scale H0-1:87
Category Railroad Track Systems
Type of Product Train Coaches & Wagons

Unlock the magic of railway nostalgia with an exquisite addition to your collection, featuring a stunning attention to detail and historical accuracy. Modelomondo is your go-to webshop for a wide variety of hobby products, offering a seamless online shopping experience. Don't miss out on securing this Rivarossi masterpiece; it's just a click away! At Modelomondo, your purchase is extra safe thanks to our Trusted Shops certification, and you benefit from a generous 30-day return policy for ultimate peace of mind. So, dive into the fascinating world of model railways and order your next treasure today!

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