Step into a magical miniature world with a stunning H0-1:87 scale pedestrian bridge, masterfully crafted by Faller. Perfect for enhancing your railroad scenery, this exquisite structure blends seamlessly into any landscape, offering intricate details that captivate the imagination. As part of the renowned Faller collection, known for quality and precision, this piece harmonizes effortlessly with your Faller Car System, creating dynamic realism. Collectors and hobbyists alike will appreciate the authenticity and charm that it brings to their set-up. Discover why Faller is a trusted name, whether you're familiar with fallers pretzels, fallers furniture, or even fallers axe.
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Elevate your H0-1:87 model railway with this charming covered footbridge, perfect for linking various sections of your layout.

Use this intricate piece to seamlessly connect platforms, stations, or even neighborhoods within your miniature world. Its detailed design adds an authentic touch to your scenery, enhancing both visual appeal and realism. Easy to assemble and built to last, this footbridge ensures safe and smooth crossings for your miniature pedestrians, making your model town even more lively and bustling. Add a layer of intricate elegance to your railway today!

More Information
Manufacturer Faller
EAN 4104090001988
Weight 417 g
SKU FA120198
Scale H0-1:87
Category Railroad Scenery
Type of Product Buildings
Subtype Train Stations & Buildings
Dimensions 273x195x138

Step into a world of miniature magic with Modelomondo's latest gem! Modelomondo is a leading online store for all your hobby needs. So why not order your Faller masterpiece effortlessly online at Modelomondo? Rest easy knowing that Modelomondo is a Trusted Shops certified retailer, guaranteeing a safe and secure shopping experience. Plus, with a 30-day return policy, your satisfaction is paramount. Embrace the extraordinary today!

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