Busch - Buche (210) H0 (Bu6779)

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Busch - Buche (210) H0 (Bu6779)
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Transform your H0-1:87 scale model railway with a touch of realism using premium landscaping elements from Busch Model. Whether you're a fan of Busch model trains, an enthusiast for Busch model cars, or follow the Busch Model Facebook page for the latest updates, this item is an exceptional addition to your Railroad Scenery collection. It’s ideal for those who peruse the Busch Model catalogue for high-quality landscaping pieces or are involved in Busch model construction. Available through Busch Models UK, this piece will elevate your layout, making it as picturesque as a scenic countryside.
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Looking to transform your H0-1:87 scale railroad scenery into a breathtaking landscape? Start by incorporating this exquisite model tree into your setup.

Perfectly suited for creating lush, captivating forests or solitary standout trees, this model enhances any scene with its realistic detail. Imagine coupling this product with waterfalls, meadows, or even quaint village settings for an instant upgrade. Not only does it add visual charm, but it also enriches the storytelling aspect of your layout. Elevate your railway to new heights and watch as every part of your miniature world comes alive with unparalleled authenticity.

More Information
Manufacturer Busch
EAN 4001738067798
Weight 500 g
SKU BU6779
Scale H0-1:87
Category Railroad Scenery
Type of Product Landscaping
Dimensions 210mm

Transform your model railway into a woodland wonderland with this perfectly crafted marvel, now available for purchase at Modelomondo. Modelomondo, your ultimate destination for a wide assortment of hobby products, makes buying your Busch Model masterpiece a breeze! With Trusted Shops certification ensuring a secure shopping experience and a 30-day return policy for your peace of mind, you can confidently add this gem to your collection. So, what are you waiting for? Embark on your next modeling adventure with ease—order your standout Busch creation today at Modelomondo!

We will only ship your order once ALL items are in stock. Check the delivery time indication on the product page. Orders are processed on Monday to Friday until 10 p.m. The shipping costs are lower for orders from 20 euros and free for orders from 300 euros


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Busch - Buche (210) H0 (Bu6779) - Scenic Modelling - H0 (1:87) - Model Railroad Scenery
