How do I change my planned delivery, delivery address or date ?

Order not shipped yet

If your order has not been shipped yet, please contact us rapidly. We shall take care of the changes and inform our logistic partner before shipment.

We shall be able to:

- change or correct your delivery address

- delay the shipping of your parcel to a later date (or ask the transporter to try to deliver on a specific date)

- for some countries when several shippers are possible, we may be able to change the transporter.

Order already shipped

When your order is already shipped, the options to change your planned delivery are limited and depend on the transporter, your country and your delivery address. Please revert to the transporter website or contact the transporter to view the possible options for your delivery. 

The transporter will try to deliver at your address a first time. If you are absent, the transporter shall leave a notification of passage with further information about your delivery status. After few unsuccessful delivery attempts, the transporter will usually keep the parcel for 10-15 days until the parcel is picked up or until they receive instructions for a new delivery. After this delay and without further instructions, the parcel will automatically be returned to our warehouse.

Additional delivery options on the website of the transporter

Please check the website of the transporter. With your parcel number and your personal information, you may be able to access additional delivery options, such as delivery to another address, to a neighbour, to a pick-up point.


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