What is the status of my order ?


Order status & parcel delivery status


You can find your order status in the "my account" order history section of our online shop. Once your parcel is shipped, you can access the parcel delivery status and precise information about your delivery in the trace & track information from the transporter. The access to this information is provided to you by email when your parcel is handed over to the transporter.


The order and your delivery can have different statuses during the ordering & delivery process.


Validation of your order 


When the payment is not finalised yet, your order will have "pending payment" status. When the payment is confirmed, your order will automatically be validated and you will receive an order confirmation by email. 


Preparation of your parcel


Once your order is validated, your order will have a "processing" status. This means that the shipping execution order has been transferred to our warehouse. The preparation of your parcel will start as soon as all articles within your order can be grouped together. When all products are in stock, this is happening rapidly. If your order contains one or several articles not directly available in stock, this process shall start automatically once all articles have been received in stock. Please verify the stock availability information from your order. The stock availability information is displayed in the shop on each product page and it can be found back on your order confirmation email. 


Once your parcel has been prepared and is handed over to the transporter for the delivery, your order will have the status "complete" in your customer dashboard order history. 


Shipment & transit of your parcel


The parcel has been handed over to the transporter for the shipment. You will receive automatically an email confirmation with the parcel number and information about how to trace and track your parcel in the transporter network. Please use your parcel number and the trace & track information from the transporter to find more detailed information about your parcel delivery status.


The parcel will be scanned on several occasions during transport in the network of the transporter. This information will help you to follow every step on the route leading to your delivery.


If your order is important, it be shipped with several parcels. Every parcel has a unique parcel number and its own trace & track information.


Change your parcel delivery


Often with your parcel number and your personal information, it will be possible to access new delivery options after the parcel was shipped directly via the site of the transporter (PostNL, DPD or UPS). Please check the website of the transporter.


Order cancelled


When the payment transaction is aborted or can't be timely finalised, the ordering system will not be able to validate the order. In such cases, the order is automatically cancelled. No payment transaction can be processed anymore for these orders and they will have a "cancelled" status. This can also happen for technical reasons when the payment transaction is taking too much time. In such cases when your order has a status "cancelled", we invite you to start a new order. 


Order closed


When an order has been placed and was validated but was thereafter cancelled and refunded, your order will have a status "closed".






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