Nme - Getreidewagen Tagnpps 102mâ³ Vtg Blau Ac 10 (12/22) * - Nme506659

All aboard the ultimate addition to your model railway! Imagine the excitement of watching this striking blue grain wagon glide effortlessly along your H0-1:87 scale track, bringing a touch of realism and vibrancy to your collection. Designed by the esteemed brand nme, this meticulously crafted wagon is perfect for both seasoned enthusiasts and newcomers alike. Its intricate details and sturdy construction ensure it stands out, promising countless hours of immersive fun. Ready to take your railroad track system to the next level? This gem is the missing piece you’ve been searching for. Don't miss this chance to enhance your railroad adventures!
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Unleash the full potential of your H0-1:87 scale railroad track system with this exquisite addition. Perfectly crafted to combine seamlessly with other Train Coaches & Wagons, it's designed to elevate your model train adventures.

Imagine the intricate detailing and meticulous design as this sleek, blue freight wagon travels down your meticulously arranged tracks. It not only adds a touch of realism to your layout but also enhances its functionality with superior cargo capacity. Whether you're transporting grains or other materials, this wagon ensures smooth and reliable operations, making your model railway a true spectacle of engineering marvel.

More Information
Manufacturer NME
EAN 4251921801160
Weight 550 g
SKU NME506659
Scale H0-1:87
Category Railroad Track Systems
Type of Product Train Coaches & Wagons
Dimensions 308x99x59

Discover the ultimate addition to your model train collection—nothing quite blends intricate craftsmanship with striking aesthetics like this beauty! Modelomondo, your go-to webshop for a wide variety of hobby products, proudly offers this masterpiece online. With its impeccable detailing and unmatched design, this model promises to be a standout in any set. When you shop at Modelomondo, you can buy with confidence knowing they’re Trusted Shops certified. Plus, with a 30-day return policy, your satisfaction is always guaranteed. Don't miss out—add this exceptional piece to your collection today!

We will only ship your order once ALL items are in stock. Check the delivery time indication on the product page. Orders are processed on Monday to Friday until 10 p.m. The shipping costs are lower for orders from 20 euros and free for orders from 300 euros


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