Unleash your creative beast with the ultimate companion for your Gundam masterpieces! Introducing a vibrant selection from Mr. Hobby that will elevate your model-building experience. This top-notch marker set is perfect for detailing your triceratops and stegosaurus kits with precision and flair. Dive into the extensive range of Mr. Hobby paints, aqueous finishes, and top coat flat options to bring your creations to life. Don't forget to utilize Mr. Hobby's leveling thinner and primer for that flawless finish. With an airbrush-ready formula and a comprehensive paint color chart, you’re all set to craft your next showroom marvel!
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Unlock your creative potential with this versatile marker set, perfect for adding intricate details to your Gundam models and dinosaur figures alike.

Combine these high-quality markers with your favourite Gundam and Planosaurus kits to elevate your model-building game. Say goodbye to dull, lifeless paint jobs and hello to vibrant, dynamic colours that bring your creations to life. The ease of use and precision of this set mean you can achieve professional-looking results with minimal effort. From the fierce Triceratops to the spiky Stegosaurus, every stroke of these markers adds a touch of realism and excitement to your masterpieces.

More Information
Manufacturer Mr. Hobby
Weight 100 g
Scale -----
Category Paints & Accesoiries
Type of Product Gundam
Subtype GundamMarker

Unleash your inner paleontologist and bring prehistoric creatures to life with this vibrant and exciting marker set! Whether you're an aspiring artist, a seasoned hobbyist, or someone with a passion for dinosaurs, this fantastic set is now available at Modelomondo. Unleash your inner paleontologist and bring prehistoric creatures to life with this vibrant and exciting marker set! Dive into a world filled with intricate details and vivid colors that will make your Triceratops and Stegosaurus illustrations roar with realism. Dive into a world filled with intricate details and vivid colors that will make your Triceratops and Stegosaurus illustrations roar with realism. Modelomondo makes it easy for you to get your hands on this masterpiece from Mr. Hobby online. As a trusted webshop offering a wide variety of hobby products, rest assured that your purchase is safe and secure. Plus, with Trusted Shops certification and a generous 30-day return policy, shopping at Modelomondo ensures a stress-free and delightful experience. So, what are you waiting for? Get your dino-mite marker set today!

We will only ship your order once ALL items are in stock. Check the delivery time indication on the product page. Orders are processed on Monday to Friday until 10 p.m. The shipping costs are lower for orders from 20 euros and free for orders from 300 euros


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