All aboard the Arnold Models express, where titans of the track meet unparalleled craftsmanship! Delve into the world of miniature railroads with this exceptional freight wagon, designed for the discerning model railway enthusiast. Known for its precise detailing and robust build, Arnold train models bring a lifelike touch to your N-1:160 scale railroad systems. Imagine the thrill of watching this expertly crafted wagon gliding seamlessly on the tracks, delivering essential cargo. Whether you're a fan of daniel arnold or intrigued by bruce arnold models, this piece is a must-have in your collection. Explore, engage, and elevate your railway journey with Arnold!
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Enhance your railway collection with this detailed and intricately designed freight coach. Perfect for transporting hazardous materials in your N-1:160 scale model railway, this piece effortlessly integrates with other Train Coaches & Wagons in your Arnold Models set.

With its exceptional build quality and realistic features, it adds a stunning layer of authenticity to your railroad track system. Ideal for model train enthusiasts, it brings your layout to life with an engaging level of detail that mirrors real-world freight operations. It's not just about adding a wagon; it's about elevating your entire model railway experience!

More Information
Manufacturer Arnold
EAN 5063129015213
Weight 1 g
Scale N-1:160
Category Railroad Track Systems
Type of Product Train Coaches & Wagons
Subtype Freight

Elevate your model train collection with a stunning new addition that promises both exquisite detail and unrivaled craftsmanship. Modelomondo is your one-stop-shop for an impressive array of hobby products, making it a breeze to secure this masterpiece from Arnold Models. Not only is it easy to order your next prized possession online at Modelomondo, but it's also incredibly safe! As a Trusted Shops certified retailer, Modelomondo guarantees a secure shopping experience and offers a 30-day return policy for total peace of mind. Dive into a world of meticulous models and enrich your collection today!

We will only ship your order once ALL items are in stock. Check the delivery time indication on the product page. Orders are processed on Monday to Friday until 10 p.m. The shipping costs are lower for orders from 20 euros and free for orders from 300 euros


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