Rivarossi - F.u.c D.753 Dcc S. Dec - RIV-HR2845S

Step into the enchanting world of Rivarossi with their latest Diesel marvel, a proud addition to the HO-1:87 scale realm. Revered for legendary creations like the iconic Rivarossi Big Boy and the charming Rivarossi Heisler, this locomotive promises to add a new layer of excitement to your Railroad Track Systems. Perfectly fitting the Diesel category, it mirrors the innovation seen in the Rivarossi Challenger and the nostalgia of the Rivarossi 0-8-0. Immerse in unparalleled craftsmanship with Rivarossi trains, from intricate Rivarossi parts to elegant Rivarossi passenger cars, each detail meticulously designed to captivate your imagination.
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To create your miniature railway masterpiece, start by integrating this meticulously crafted diesel locomotive into your H0-1:87 scale setup.

Pair it seamlessly with various carriages and track systems to experience superbly realistic rail operations. Benefit from its DCC sound decoder, delivering an authentic audio experience that elevates your model railway hobby to an entirely new level. The precision detailing ensures an unmatched appearance, while robust performance keeps your locomotive gliding smoothly on the tracks. Transform your layout with the addition of this exquisite piece and watch your miniature world come to life with vibrant, dynamic movement.

More Information
Manufacturer Rivarossi
EAN 8425420512278
Weight 622 g
Scale H0-1:87
Category Railroad Track Systems
Type of Product Locomotive
Subtype Diesel

Buckle up, model railway enthusiasts—your next adventure awaits with the unparalleled craftsmanship of this Rivarossi masterpiece, now available at Modelomondo! Modelomondo is your go-to webshop for an extensive range of hobby products. So, order your Rivarossi masterpiece easily online at Modelomondo! Rest easy knowing that your purchase is secure, thanks to our Trusted Shops certification and a worry-free 30-day return policy. Dive into a world of precision and passion with your new Rivarossi addition, all from the comfort of your home. Happy railroading!

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