Trumpeter - 1/35 Dprk Hwasong-5 S.r. Tactical Ballistic Missile - Trp01058

Unleash the might of North Korean tactical prowess with a masterful model kit that transports you to the realm of strategic power. Imagine owning a meticulously detailed 1:35 scale replica that stands as a testament to the unparalleled craftsmanship from Trumpeter. Whether you're an aficionado of trumpeter swan calls or simply mesmerised by the intricate engineering of Trumpeter models, this kit combines precision and intrigue. Bask in the allure, much like the majestic trumpeter swan, and make this an imperial addition to your collection. Modelomondo makes your dream build a reality, now ready for your meticulous touch.
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Looking to elevate your model-building experience? Combine this detailed 1:35 scale kit with your existing Trucks and Vehicles collection to create an awe-inspiring diorama. The sheer precision and intricate components ensure you’ll be engaged for hours, cultivating your patience and craftsmanship.

This model kit offers an unparalleled level of realism, perfect for hobbyists and collectors aiming to showcase their skills. Get ready to dive into an immersive world of tactical vehicles and enhance your display with a piece that embodies both complexity and historical significance.

More Information
Manufacturer Trumpeter
EAN 9580208010588
Weight 1683 g
SKU TRP01058
Scale 1:35
Category Modelbuilding Kits
Type of Product Vehicles
Subtype Trucks

Unleash your inner military strategist with this highly detailed and astonishingly accurate model kit! Modelomondo, the ultimate destination for hobby enthusiasts, proudly stocks this masterpiece for your collection. At Modelomondo, you can effortlessly purchase this standout addition online, knowing you're in safe hands. They are Trusted Shops certified and provide a generous 30-day return policy. Add this compelling piece to your collection today and experience the thrill of high-quality modeling!

We will only ship your order once ALL items are in stock. Check the delivery time indication on the product page. Orders are processed on Monday to Friday until 10 p.m. The shipping costs are lower for orders from 20 euros and free for orders from 300 euros


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