Trumpeter - 1/35 Hemtt M983 Tractor - Trp01021

Dive into the world of meticulous detail and robust engineering with the latest gem from Trumpeter, where precision meets passion. Perfect for both seasoned model builders and newcomers, this 1:35 scale kit brings the rugged allure of heavy-duty trucks right to your workbench. Featuring parts that fit together seamlessly, assembly becomes a joyful journey rather than a chore. Inspired by the majestic beauty of the trumpeter swan, this model echoes the grandeur and elegance that Trumpeter is renowned for. Get ready to rev up your creativity and bring a lifelike masterpiece to life, all while enjoying the satisfying trumpeter swan call of finely crafted plastic meeting glue.
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Ready to elevate your model-building game? Dive into this high-octane adventure and combine it with your existing military dioramas for an epic display!

Experience the thrill of constructing this detailed beauty from scratch. This kit brings precision and realism, ensuring hours of engaging and rewarding work. Designed for enthusiasts, it pairs seamlessly with other 1:35 scale military vehicles, adding a layer of authenticity and flair. The robust design guarantees durability, while the intricate details captivate and impress. Perfect for seasoned builders or those looking to start a new hobby, this kit promises a satisfying creative journey.

More Information
Manufacturer Trumpeter
EAN 9580208010212
Weight 820 g
SKU TRP01021
Scale 1:35
Category Modelbuilding Kits
Type of Product Vehicles
Subtype Trucks

Ready to set your sights on a new modelling adventure? The latest marvel from Trumpeter, now available at Modelomondo, promises to elevate your craftsmanship to new heights. Modelomondo is an all-in-one webshop for a wide array of hobby products, making it a breeze to order your Trumpeter masterpiece online! With Trusted Shops certification and a 30-day return policy, your purchase is both secure and worry-free. Dive into your next project with confidence, knowing Modelomondo has your back every step of the way!

We will only ship your order once ALL items are in stock. Check the delivery time indication on the product page. Orders are processed on Monday to Friday until 10 p.m. The shipping costs are lower for orders from 20 euros and free for orders from 300 euros


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