Zvezda - 1/72 Koalitsya-sv Self Propelled Howitzer (4/21) * - ZVE5055

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Zvezda - 1/72 Koalitsya-sv Self Propelled Howitzer (4/21) * - ZVE5055
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Unleash your inner model-building enthusiast with this Zvezda marvel, the pinnacle of detail in artillery replicas! Zvezda's craftsmanship, famed from Tarkov to Efes, ensures each piece is a miniature masterpiece. Dive into an immersive experience that not only appeals to your hobbies but also revitalizes the meaning of creativity and precision. Whether you're a fan of kosarka or a follower of FC, this model bridges diverse interests into one engaging activity. Zvezda models—where history, detail, and passion come together in a 1:72 scale delight. Engage with a hobby that’s more than mere assembly; it's an artistic journey.
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Unleash your inner commander and create riveting war scenes by assembling this detailed 1:72 scale self-propelled howitzer model. Pair it with other 1:72 scale vehicles or artillery to command an impressive lineup and establish your battlefield supremacy.

By incorporating this highly accurate and intricate artillery piece into your collection, you'll benefit from a rewarding and engaging building experience that enhances fine motor skills and attention to detail. Whether you're a seasoned model builder or a budding enthusiast, this kit promises countless hours of satisfying craftsmanship and the ultimate showcase of military might.

More Information
Manufacturer Zvezda
EAN 4600327050557
Weight 0 g
Scale 1:72
Category Modelbuilding Kits
Type of Product Vehicles
Subtype Artillery
Dimensions 304x205x50
Brand Opel

Unleash the thrill of the battlefield with this astounding 1/72 scale model that brings the power of modern artillery right to your fingertips. Modelomondo is your one-stop shop for a diverse array of hobby products. So why wait? Order your Zvezda masterpiece with just a few clicks at Modelomondo! It's safe and simple to shop here, as they are Trusted Shops certified, guaranteeing you a secure shopping experience. Plus, with a generous 30-day return policy, your satisfaction is assured. Dive into your next exciting project and build your collection with confidence at Modelomondo today!

We will only ship your order once ALL items are in stock. Check the delivery time indication on the product page. Orders are processed on Monday to Friday until 10 p.m. The shipping costs are lower for orders from 20 euros and free for orders from 300 euros


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Zvezda - 1/72 Koalitsya-sv Self Propelled Howitzer (4/21) * - ZVE5055 - Military Vehicles - Military Model Kits - Model Building Kits
